
we are building a community of smart and worthy alpha hunters and builders. here is the list of partnerships we have and the benefits for our holders

Alpha Wolves DAO

website: https://www.alphawolvesdao.com/

opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/alpha-wolves-dao


  • 500K $ALFA holders can access the AWD Telegram and Discord channel where daily alpha is shared

The Cosmic Kin

website: https://www.thecosmickin.com/

telegram: https://t.me/EXOPortal

benefits: TBA

Senshi Research

website: https://senshi.app/

telegram: https://t.me/senshi_portal


  • 200K $ALFA = Degen Dashboard + Basic Sniper

  • 500K $ALFA = Degen Dashboard + Elite Sniper

Last updated